2017 Berlin

Sustainable transport connections in the Baltic Sea Region – added value of building up cooperation platforms for transport projects

Time:        13th June, 17.00 – 18.30        
Venue:      Stresemann-Saal  


How can cooperation platforms for transport projects help to achieve EUSBSR objectives for sustainable and efficient transport systems in the Baltic Sea region? The aim of the seminar is to find out how project platforms co-financed by Interreg Baltic Sea Region would support the work of PA Transport, Ship and Safe and the HA Spatial Planning towards their common aims.


  • Thomas Erlandson, Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation, Policy Area Transport coordinator
  • Jouni Lappalainen, Finnish Transport Safety Agency, Policy Area Safe coordinator
  • Talis Linkaits, VASAB Secretariat, Horizontal Area Spatial Planning coordinator
  • Prof. Kurt Bodewig, European Coordinator for the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor
  • Wiktor Szydarowski, Region Blekinge, Project Coordinator, TENTacle project


  • Eeva Rantama, Team Leader Project Unit, Interreg Baltic Sea Region MA/JS

Organiser(s) & contact details:

  • Team Leader Project Unit, Interreg Baltic Sea Region M A/JS:
    Eeva Rantama, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  +49 381 45484 5254
    Grubenstrasse 20, 18055 Rostock, Germany 


Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme will soon open a call for co-financing project platforms that support cooperation among projects across funding programmes. The aim of the seminar is to map out the added value of such project platforms in the field of transport.

Sustainable and efficient transport systems in the Baltic Sea region are of joint concern for the Policy Areas Transport, Ship and Safe as well as of the Horizontal Action Spatial Planning. Interreg Baltic Sea Region provides support and financing to EUSBSR flagship projects in these areas, e.g. TENTacle, NSB CoRe and Scandria®2Act (PA Transport), ChemSAR (PA Safe), EnViSum (PA Ship) and Baltic Lines (HA Spatial Planning). Further projects are funded for instance by TEN-T, HORIZON 2020 and other Interreg programmes.

How would cooperation among these projects benefit the Policy Areas Transport, Ship and Safe as well as the Horizontal Action Spatial Planning to achieve their aims of sustainable and efficient transport systems in the Baltic Sea region? The question will be posed both to the panelists and to the audience of the seminar. What are the most important issues of common interest that could be tackled by cooperation platforms for transport projects? The question to the project leaders in the seminar is how a cooperation platform would help projects in achieving durable results. Where do they see added value of cooperation platforms? In addition, the workshop aims to map out development gaps in the field of transport that could be tackled with the help of cooperation platforms for projects.

Interreg Baltic Sea Region Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat will present the Programme plans for co-financing project platforms. The seminar outcomes will feed into the terms of the call for project platforms that the Programme will open late 2017.    

Interreg Baltic Sea Region is an EU funding programme that facilitates transnational cooperation. Partners from countries around the Baltic Sea work together in transnational projects to address common key challenges and opportunities.