
In order to better concentrate on the main objectives of the Strategy, the EUSBSR Action Plan was revised in February 2015, following an extensive consultation with the Member States and stakeholders in the Baltic Sea region.

The revised Action Plan was more streamlined and focused, with the previous 17 priority areas converted to 13 policy areas, and the number of horizontal actions decreased from 5 to 4. Like its predecessor, the 2015 Action Plan presented the detailed actions and flagships projects, through which the objectives would be achieved, as well as the governance of the EUSBSR (AP 2015, p. 10). With the update, the new Action Plan also came to include a chapter on the role of regional organisations (AP 2015, p. 20).

Alongside climate change, the new Action Plan added sustainable development as a cross-cutting horizontal consideration to be adequately included in the implementation of the objectives, sub-objectives, priority areas, horizontal actions and flagship projects (AP 2015, p. 9). In addition, the revised Action Plan highlighted the importance of ensuring that environmental considerations are adequately taken into account in flagship proposals (AP 2015, p. 9).

In March 2017, the Action Plan was revised with a number of technical updates and corrections, a revised Policy Area Transport chapter and the inclusion of a new action on the integration of refugees in Policy Area Education. In addition, a new section on the procedure to follow in the case of change of thematic coordinators was included in the governance chapter.

For more information on the implementation of the strategy, check the reports in the documents section in the menu on the left. 

Objectives and sub-objectives

1. Save the Sea

2. Connect the Region

3. Increase Prosperity


Policy Areas


Horizontal Actions