Message in a Bottle: Communication across Macro-regional Strategies

  • 18/09/2018 08:30 - 19:30
Venue Trg Etbina Kristana 1
6310 Izola - Isola, Slovenia

Throughout the implementation phase of the four macro-regional strategies (MRS), a need has emerged to enhance their information flows both in terms of
- Internal communication: Better exchange of information within the governance mechanisms of MRS, and also across MRS;
- External communication: Provide the wider public (citizens, stakeholders, media) with relevant information about the results and aims of MRS, in order to strengthen a common and shared identity related to the respective macro-region.

In addition to this, MRS bear the capacity to communicate policies to the citizens and thereby contribute to European integration on several levels.
Several projects and initiatives have emerged in order to enhance communication flows related to MRS:
- “Let’s communicate” – a project to support the communication of the EUSBSR;
- Horizontal Action “Capacity” of the EUSBSR supporting the communication flows of the EUSBSR;
- AlpGoV – a project of the Alpine Space Programme that supports i.a. the communication of the EUSALP;
- The EUSAIR Facility Point providing tailor-made capacity building workshops for the governance structures and communication activities for the EUSAIR;
- Communication activities implemented by the former Danube Strategy Point and Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity and Cooperation” in the framework of the EUSDR.

The workshop intends to establish a platform that fosters and streamlines the communication activities across macro-regional strategies and enhances their exchange of experience.

Register for the workshop here.