Interact and Let’s Communicate project organised a meeting between EUSBSR Policy Area (PA) Coordinators and European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) programmes. The aim was to discuss practical collaboration options and mutual benefits in contributing to greener Europe.


The EUSBSR Action Plan states the need to integrate climate aspects in the work of each Policy Area. Moreover, close cooperation with Managing authorities of the funding programmes and their networks is of essence for all stakeholders of the Strategy. But what are the topics in which the ETC programmes and EUSBSR Policy Areas could cooperate and, even more, how to cooperate for greener Baltic Sea Region?

Therefore, a meeting was organised where coordinators from Policy Areas Innovation, Bioeconomy, Nutri, Transport and Energy met with the relevant preselected INTERREG programmes. The meeting aimed to find the ways for further practical collaboration and to clarify mutual benefits between the Strategy and ETC programmes.


Fuelling the discussions between ETC programmes and PA Coordinators

During the meeting PA Coordinators presented concrete actions that are in focus of their work. After this the programmes and PA Coordinators brainstormed the possible practical ways for mutual collaboration.

Discussion highlighted the need to build continuous and lasting exchange between ETC programmes and EUSBSR Policy Areas. Several ideas how to keep up the communication were set:

  • Participation of programmes in PA steering groups
  • Participation at the thematic events of each other
  • Existing channels, e.g., newsletters could be used to maintain the exchange

PA Coordinators expressed their willingness to be more involved in the project generation and capitalisation:

  • Join forces to support project generation, e.g inviting PA Coordinators to programme events.
  • PA Coordinators and programmes could actively engage in the discussions on the trends in programme topics and advise potential applicants.
  • Engage PA Coordinators even more in the programme capitalisation exercises.


Main take-away messages

The event built foundation for further communication. It concluded with the message that more coordination and exchange is needed between ETC programmes and PA Coordinators. However, it is worth looking into existing platforms, networks and tools for exchange to avoid overburdening a dialogue with too much coordination efforts.

Let’s Communicate will support collaboration on horizontal topics of the EUSBSR and in particular the climate related actions. Let’s Communicate share outcomes of this meeting with the Chair of the EUSBSR National Coordinators’ Group for their further consideration.