Energy Dialogue: Financing Energy Efficiency

  • 29/09/2016 10:00
Venue CBSS, Slussplan 9 - Slussplan 9
111 30 Stockholm, Sweden

The aim of the roundtable is to provide a platform for discussions between business representatives from the cleantech sector, regional, governmental and municipal organizations, financial institutions and energy experts. The focus will be on available funding (public and private), financial schemes,
framework conditions for green growth, opportunities and challenges for implementation of energy efficiency projects in the Baltic Sea Region.

The roundtable discussion will address questions like how we can secure sound investments in energy efficiency, thereby enhancing sustainable green growth. Is the available funding easy to grasp and get access to? What are the b ottlenecks in the existing funding schemes and how to overcome them? How to ensure an efficient transfer of the best available technologies and expertise across border?
Draft programme is attached.