Meeting of EUSBSR National Coordinators

  • 28/11/2017 09:00 - 16:00
Venue Tallinn

The National Coordinators of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region will meet in Tallinn on 28 September 2017. The meeting is second under the Estonian Chairsmanship of the group.

On the agenda are, among other things, the future of EUSBSR communications strategy and the financing of EUSBSR communications. Preparations of the Annual Forum 2018 are also to be discussed, as well as the forthcoming study on Macro-regional Strategies and their links with Cohesion Policy.

The report from the NC group's meeting will be available on the EUSBSR website after the meeting.

More information about the NC group's meeting and work in general from the Estonian NC, Raul Mälk (raul.malk(a)